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Visitors 575
Modified 26-Jul-24
Created 5-Sep-10
534 photos

If you want an excellent resource for Damselflies, see Ed Lam's book Damselflies of the Northeast, a must have for Zygoptera enthusiasts.
Enallagma signatumEnallagma hageniArgia apicalisArgia translataEnallagma signatumCalopteryx aequabilisArgia moestaArgia moestaArgia apicalisEnallagma geminatumCalopteryx aequabilisHylogomphus adelphusCalopteryx aequabilisIschnura verticalisIschnura ramburiEnallagma civileIschnura ramburiiIschnura ramburiIschnura hastataIschnura hastata

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Damselflies, Damselfly